Madan Mohan Chakraborty

Madan Mohan Chakraborty

Iskraemeco India

CEO & MD of a DeepTech MNC for 5 years - incepted in India in 2019 from scratch, created an orderbook of $ 300 million. Out of 25 years, 17 years spent in leadership roles.

He has worked with nationals of 35 countries, and visited 32 countries. Presently channelizing diverse experience towards design, manufacturing, deployment and long-term service management of Embedded Electronics, Enterprise software and associated solutions.They operate in the field of #smartgrid, #smartcity, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, smart grid, IoT, and connected intelligence.

He believes a CEO must work as the highest-ranking executive & public face of the company. Primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources, efficient fundraising and driving top and bottom line in a sustainable and compliant manner. Act as the point of communication between the global board of directors and corporate operations. Adjust pace in accordance with organizational culture while driving transition.

He grew with my team and organization. He infects people with energy, knowledge and business sensitivity. He brings synergy from apparently disconnected business domains and scales them in a sustainable manner. He takes responsibility without direct authority and treats the business as my own. He excels in creating & driving high performance teams, and training, coach, mentor and counsel them to deliver complex projects without time and cost overrun.

Keynote Title

Sustainability - A PESTEL Approach

Session Overview

Sustain and sustainability, and this can explained by PESTEL, Political, Environmental, Social, Technological, Economics and Legal. How – diversity, inclusiveness, one nation, one world impacts sustainability. How are behaviors differing from place to place and time to time affecting sustainability. Case studies from industries, relationship and countries